Ingredients: Chlorella Extract Liquid 100%
Expiry Date: 2 years from date of manufactureOD value at 260nm............... 400 to 415
Ph ...................... 6.4 to 6.5
Salinity ............ 0.9% to 1.2%
Protein ................ 2.4% to 2.7% *
Heavy metals (as Pb): not detected (MLD: 10 ppm*)
Aerobic plate count ....... not more than 1000/g**
Coliform bacteria .............. negative
Salmonella .......................... negative/25g
Tar colour ............................ not detected
* 20 ppm is commonly used.
**3000/g is commonly used.
MLD = Minimum limit of determination
Certificate of Analysis for Lot No.8021 issued by Yaeyama Product Research Laboratories
OD value at 260nm ....... 402
pH value ........................ 6.50
Heavy metals ......... not detected (MLD: 10ppm)
Coliform bacteria ... negative
Aerobic plate count .... less than 1,000/g
Manufacturing Process
(1)Mixing chlorella powder with water - (2)Extracting at 100oC -
(3)Centrifugally Separating solid from liquid - (4)Concentration by heat -
(5)Adjusting concentration up to OD400 - (6)Sterilization at 100oC -
(7)Inspecting OD value, Ph value, salinity, alien substances, bacteria -
(8)Filling into aluminum polyethylene bag - (9)Packaging in a carton box
Warning in Quality Control
(1) Chlorella extract liquid OD400 is easy to get rotten due to its high content of protein, when it is taken out from the original airtight vinyl bag.
(2) To avoid it getting rotten, there are two processing ways:-(a) OD100
Mix it with sugar content such as oligosaccharide, honey, etc. to thin it down 4 times with water to make OD100 (=brix value of 60 to 65)
Applications: Chlorella extract liquid OD100, Health drink, etc.
Mix it with salt to thin it down 40 times with water to make OD10.
Applications: Food additives (for bread, noodle, cakes, etc.)
Unopened, shelf life is 2 years stored at a dark cool place. Once opened, it is advisable to use it all on the same day.
In case some left out, then, you can put it in refirgerator for 1 week or so (at below 5 deg.C).after spraying 75% disinfectant alcohol around the opening.
In processing, it is recommended that sterilization by heating (60 deg.C for 30 min. or 121 deg.C for 2 to 3 sec.) shall be done with airtight packing or capping to follow quickly.
Technical Data for Chlorella Extract Liquid:Chlorella extract liquid is tested and measured by "absorption photometry."
Absorbency usually shows the highest point at the wavelength of 260nm with the lowest at 230 to 240nm.
The bigger is the differential in the absorptions of light between 260nm and 230nm-240nm, the better and fresher is the quality of chlorella extract liquid.
If chlorella extract liquid gets foul, the lowest point at 230-240nm will be elevated and eventually, it may go beyond the highest absorbency point at 260nm.